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(updated 6/1/2020)


The Maplewood Mennonite Church Board has established the following guidelines for all who choose to attend onsite worship, until further notice.

If, for any reason, you feel you cannot adhere to these guidelines, we invite you to worship with us via Facebook Live.


  • Doors will be propped open or opened by a greeter so you will not need to touch them.


  • Masks are required to be worn over the nose and mouth during whole service, including singing, reading, talking and preaching.  Extras are available in the foyer. Feel free to leave the service for a fresh air break during the service, and then return with your mask on.


  • Social distancing will be expected inside and outside the building. Stay at least 6 feet away from others both inside and outside of the building. Pews will be marked indicating how close non-family members can sit.


  • No physical greetings such as shaking hands and hugs are allowed, but do greet each other with words and make all feel welcome.


  • No paper bulletins will be provided. Song lyrics, scripture and notices will be projected on the screen. Those worshipping on Facebook Live will receive worship resources by email.

  • No nursery care is available and no one should go into the nursery. Activity bags will be available. Families with children will be encouraged to sit at the back of the church where there is room for children to play on the floor.


  • No Fellowship Time, Sunday school or other gatherings, until further notice. Eg.  women’s group, men’s breakfast, senior breakfast, etc.


  • Offerings may be placed in one of the offering plates on the Communion Table, before or after the service. An offering will not be taken up during the service.   Alternatively, you may send your offering to the church by mail.


  • Offering counters will wear disposable gloves and wash their hands well after touching the money.


  • Hand sanitizers and wipes are available. You are invited to wipe down your section of the pew following the service.  This will help our custodian, who will continue to clean/disinfect the church building weekly.


Thank you for helping us keep the ‘main thing’ (worshipping Jesus) the main thing!  These are challenging times and, although we have differing levels of personal comfort, these guidelines are a practical way for us to…

“Love God and neighbor”, and to, “Prefer one another in love”.

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