Maplewood Mennonite Church

(updated October 2024)
If, for any reason, you feel you cannot adhere to these guidelines, we invite you to worship with us via Facebook Live - you must request to be a friend on FaceBook in order to view our services.
Doors will be propped open or opened by a greeter so you will not need to touch them.
No nursery care is available and no one should go into the nursery. Activity bags will be available. Families with children will be encouraged to sit at the back of the church where there is room for children to play on the floor.
Offerings may be placed in one of the offering plates on the Communion Table, before or after the service. An offering will not be taken up during the service. Alternatively, you may send your offering to the church by mail.
Hand sanitizers and masks are available.
Thank you for helping us keep the ‘main thing’ (worshipping Jesus) the main thing!
“Love God and neighbor”